- 0000-0002-6778-962X
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Nonpharmacological interventions for managing the dyspnea-fatigue-physical/role functioning symptom cluster in lung cancer patients : a systematic review
Frail older adults' oral care through informal caregivers' eyes
'When I was young, a toothbrush was like a rolls-royce for a laborer' : a qualitative study of oral care behavior of home-dwelling frail older people in Flanders, Belgium
Reducing oral health inequalities for frail older people by improving access to oral care and integrated oral care
- Journal Article
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The association between day-to-day stress experiences, recovery, and work engagement among office workers in academia : an Ecological Momentary Assessment study
- Journal Article
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The association between day-to-day stress experiences and work-life interference among office workers in academia : an ecological momentary assessment study