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Closing a gap or creating a new one? Comparing support for participatory instruments among different stakeholders
Analysing policy actors’ preferences for different modes of governing in local government
Lokale democratie in Vlaanderen : de kijk van burgers, middenveld, politici en ambtenaren
Bram Verschuere (UGent) , Tessa Haesevoets (UGent) , Gilles Pittoors (UGent) , Arne Roets (UGent) , Kristof Steyvers (UGent) and Bram Wauters (UGent)(2024) -
De Partij van Europese Socialisten: een inleiding
Democracy and European Union : beyond the dichotomy
Through the looking glass? Lessons from party Europeanisation in Denmark
Living up to expectations? EU politicization and party Europeanization in Flanders and the Netherlands
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
National parties as multilevel organizations in the EU : a comparative case study of Flanders, Denmark and the Netherlands
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Parties between nations? Introducing the European multilevel party field
- Book Chapter
- open access
The Europeanisation of Belgian parties : both near and far?