Nicolas Dewolf ORCID iD 0000-0002-3930-1420 1 – 4 of 4 publications Show 10 5 10 15 20 50 100 250 Sort by year (new to old) Actions Filter publications Download search results Subscribe to news feed Add to list PhD Thesis open access A comparative study of conformal prediction methods for valid uncertainty quantification in machine learning Nicolas Dewolf (UGent) (2024) Add to list Journal Article A1 open access Valid prediction intervals for regression problems Nicolas Dewolf (UGent) , Bernard De Baets (UGent) and Willem Waegeman (UGent) (2023) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW. 56(1). p.577-613 Add to list Journal Article A1 open access One-dimensional symmetric phases protected by frieze symmetries Bram Vancraeynest-De Cuiper (UGent) , Jacob C Bridgeman (UGent) , Nicolas Dewolf (UGent) , Jutho Haegeman (UGent) and Frank Verstraete (UGent) (2023) PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 107(11). Add to list Miscellaneous One-dimensional symmetric phases protected by frieze symmetries Bram Vancraeynest-De Cuiper (UGent) , Jacob C Bridgeman (UGent) , Nicolas Dewolf (UGent) , Jutho Haegeman (UGent) and Frank Verstraete (UGent) (2022) arXiv:2202.12880.