- 0000-0002-2805-2529
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Unravelling the mysteries hidden within the cremated human remains from Belgium : the interdisciplinary CRUMBEL project
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Hidden transitions : new insights into changing social dynamics between the Bronze and Iron Age in the cemetery of Destelbergen (Belgium)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Final Neolithic and Bronze Age funerary practices and population dynamics in Belgium, the impact of radiocarbon dating cremated bones
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Strontium isotopes and concentrations in cremated bones suggest an increased salt consumption in Gallo-Roman diet
Uit de kluiten gewassen : een toevalsvondst van ijzertijdurnen in een grafheuvelcomplex te Postel (Mol, prov. Antwerpen, België),
Le project CRUMBEL : archéometrie et os incinéres du Néolithique final à l’époque mérovingienne : des opportunités pour affiner la chronologie existante
Cremations, urns and mobility in prehistoric and historic Belgium : interlinked archaeological and biological information in the CRUMBEL database
The importance of nonadults in Late Bronze Age Belgium : a multi-proxy approach
River mobility in the Belgian Scheldt and Meuse basins
Gezellig tot in der eeuwigheid : meerdere crematies per graf tijdens de late bronstijd in Herstal