Lindsy Aelbrecht ORCID iD 0000-0002-8873-6797 1 – 1 of 1 publication Show 10 5 10 15 20 50 100 250 Sort by year (new to old) Actions Filter publications Download search results Subscribe to news feed Add to list Journal Article A1 open access Zinc inhibits lethal inflammatory shock by preventing microbe-induced interferon signature in intestinal epithelium Jolien Souffriau, Steven Timmermans (UGent) , Tineke Vanderhaeghen (UGent) , Charlotte Wallaeys (UGent) , Kelly Van Looveren, Lindsy Aelbrecht, Sylviane Dewaele (UGent) , Jolien Vandewalle (UGent) , Evy Goossens (UGent) , Serge Verbanck (UGent) , et al. (2020) EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE. 12(10).