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- Journal Article
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European beekeepers’ interest in digital monitoring technology adoption for improved beehive management
Growth, fiscal and welfare implications of trade liberalization in Africa : a macro‐micro modeling assessment of the Senegalese economy
Ex-post assessment of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) effects in Africa
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Understanding the effects of the integration of digital technologies on labor market in European Union countries
Agricultural development promises more growth and less poverty in Africa : modelling the potential impact of implementing the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme in six countries
- Miscellaneous
- open access
How can CAADP implementation help countries achieve the SDGs and become resilient to climate change? A tale of six African countries
- Book Chapter
- open access
Africa in world agricultural trade : participation in global value chain
- Book Chapter
- open access
Remote sensing and machine learning for food crop production data in Africa post-COVID-19
- Book Chapter
- open access
Impact of COVID-19-related global trade disruptions on African food systems
- Miscellaneous
- open access
African commitments for agricultural development goals and milestones for Cote d’Ivoire