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Comparative study of preimplantation development following distinct assisted oocyte activation protocols in a PLC-zeta knockout mouse model
Comparative analysis of different nuclear transfer techniques to prevent the transmission of mitochondrial DNA variants
Assisted oocyte activation significantly increases fertilization and pregnancy outcome in patients with low and total failed fertilization after intracytoplasmic sperm injection : a 17-year retrospective study
Assessment of the calcium releasing machinery in oocytes that failed to fertilize after conventional ICSI and assisted oocyte activation
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Strontium fails to induce Ca2+ release and activation in human oocytes despite the presence of functional TRPV3 channels
Assisted oocyte activation significantly increases fertilization and pregnancy rates resulting in healthy live births in patients with oocyte activation deficiencies
Culture conditions affect Ca2+ release in artificially activated mouse and human oocytes
Patients with a high proportion of immature and meiotically resistant oocytes experience defective nuclear oocyte maturation patterns and impaired pregnancy outcomes
Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 1B3 (PAFAH1 B3) is required for the formation of the meiotic spindle during in vitro oocyte maturation
PLCz knock-out sperm reveals the sole effect of altering calcium signals during assisted oocyte activation on later mouse embryogenesis