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Care to sleep? Daily caregiving and sleep problems in an ageing European population
Reduction in sleep disturbances at retirement : evidence from the Swedish longitudinal occupational survey of health
Early predictors of impaired sleep : a study on life course socioeconomic conditions and sleeping problems in older adults
- PhD Thesis
- open access
When life keeps you awake at night : a study of sleep problems in an ageing European population
(2019) 198. -
Reduction in sleep disturbance at retirement: Evidence from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health
(2018) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Medicalization of sleep problems in an aging population : a longitudinal cross-national study of medication use for sleep problems in older European adults
The impact of informal caregiving on sleeping problems in European older adults
(2017) -
Reasons for the transition to retirement and its association with sleep problems in an ageing European population
How well does Europe sleep? A cross-national study of sleep problems in European older adults
Medicalization of sleep problems in an ageing population: a longitudinal cross-national study of medication use for sleep problems in European older men and women