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Unravelling public authority: paths of hybrid governance in Africa
'Hybrid governance,' Legitimacy, and (il)legality in the informal cross-border trade in Panyimur, North Uganda
Trade networks and the practical norms of taxation at a border crossing between South Sudan and Northern Uganda.
Deals and dealings: inconclusive peace and treacherous trade along the South Sudan-Uganda border
God and Caesar in the democratic republic of Congo: negotiating church-state relations through the management of school fees in Kinshasa's Catholic schools
Social capital and post-conflict reconstruction in Burundi: the limits of community-based reconstruction
Marcher dans l'obscurité: le commerce informel transfrontalier dans la région des Grands lacs
(2012) -
Walking in the dark: informal cross-border trade in the great lakes region
(2012) -
Simplified campaign narratives on civil war: case study of 'Kony 2012'
The carrot and the stick: the unlevel playing field in Uganda's 2011 elections