- 0000-0002-8534-2362
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Circulating IRF8-expressing CD123+CD127+ lymphoid progenitors : key players in human hematopoiesis
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Intrathymic dendritic cell-biased precursors promote human T cell lineage specification through IRF8-driven transmembrane TNF
Dendritic cell-biased precursors support early human thymopoiesis
In vitro model systems to study human T cell development
(2022) T-cell development : methods and protocols. In Methods in Molecular Biology (MIMB) 2580. p.335-354 -
- Journal Article
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Conventional and computational flow cytometry analyses reveal sustained human intrathymic T cell development from birth until puberty
Distinct and temporary-restricted epigenetic mechanisms regulate human αβ and γδ T cell development
Integrated scRNA-seq identifies human postnatal thymus seeding progenitors and regulatory dynamics of differentiating immature thymocytes