dr. Maria Luque Macias
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The influence of amicus curiae briefs on IACtHR's protection of environmental defenders
The different influence exercised by NGOs on IACtHR’s interpretation of environmental defenders’ right to freedom of expression
Mapping the input from the most affected by climate change to the IACtHR’s advisory opinion on the climate emergency
The non-governmental actors steering and transforming the assassinations of Honduran environmental defenders into litigation before the IACtHR
Re-politicising international investment law in Latin America through the duty to regulate paradigm
Katia Fach Gómez (ed.), La Politica de la Union Europea en materia de derecho de las inversiones internacionales - EU Policy on International Investment Law
Nuevos desarrollos latinoamericanos en el régimen internacional de protección de inversiones : ¿Iniciativas destinadas a corregir el déficit de transparencia procesal y participación del mecanismo de resolución de controversias relativas a inversiones?
Inter-state investment dispute settlement in Latin America : is there space for transparency?
Reliance on alternative methods for investment protection through national laws, investment contracts, and regional institutions in Latin America
Denuncia del Convenio sobre arreglo de diferencias relativas a inversiones entre Estados y nacionales (convenio CIADI) yel consentimiento para arbitraje en los tratados internacionales de inversión (TBI)