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ORCID logo 0000-0003-4221-2063
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Kurt Eggers holds a BA in Medicine, MA in SLP, and PhD. in Biomedical Sciences (U of Leuven, Belgium) and Developmental Psychology (Tilburg U, The Netherlands). He is a professor at the SLP department of Ghent University and Thomas More (Belgium), and at the Psychology & SLP dept. at Turku University (Finland). He is chair of the European Stuttering Specialization (, President of the World Stuttering and Cluttering Organization (, Secretary of the European Fluency Specialists ( and IALP fluency committee member ( He is also associate editor for Journal of Fluency Disorders ( Kurt has worked clinically for many years, has lectured/published internationally and his research focuses on temperament, attention, and executive functioning in stuttering and speech disfluencies in different populations.
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