Emma Van Reempts Faculty of Sciences > Department of Biology ORCID iD 0009-0009-8527-242X 1 – 2 of 2 publications Show 10 5 10 15 20 50 100 250 Sort by year (new to old) Actions Filter publications Download search results Subscribe to news feed Add to list Journal Article A1 open access Egg provisioning explains the penetrance of symbiont-mediated sex allocation distortion in haplodiploids Nicky Wybouw (UGent) , Emma Van Reempts (UGent) , Jens Zarka, Flore Zélé and Dries Bonte (UGent) (2023) HEREDITY. 131(3). p.221-229 Add to list Journal Article A1 open access SRSF1 haploinsufficiency is responsible for a syndromic developmental disorder associated with intellectual disability Elke Bogaert (UGent) , Aurore Garde, Thierry Gautier, Kathleen Rooney, Yannis Duffourd, Pontus LeBlanc (UGent) , Emma Van Reempts (UGent) , Frederic Tran Mau-Them, Ingrid M. Wentzensen, Kit Sing Au, et al. (2023) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 110(5). p.790-808