prof. dr. Sorana Toma
- 0000-0002-1013-5211
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- Journal Article
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Well-being amid (im)mobility struggles : youth’s experiences in Casamance, Senegal
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Gaps and opportunities in the climate change, migration and health nexus : insights from a questionnaire based study of practitioners and researchers
Should I stay or should I go : the pandemic effect on migration aspirations using panel data in Poland
Politiques migratoires et sélectivité des migrations étudiantes en France : une approche sociodémographique
The role of migration policies in the attraction and retention of international talent : the case of Indian researchers
Internationalization and diversification of academic careers
Can public housing decrease segregation? Lessons and challenges from non-European immigration in France
L’influence mitigée des migrations masculines sur les activités économiques des femmes 'qui restent' : étude de cas dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal
International academic mobility across space and time : the case of Indian academics
Engaging with its diaspora : the case of Senegal