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A taxonomically-verified and vouchered checklist of the vascular plants of the Republic of Guinea
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- open access
Piloting development of species conservation action plans in Guinea
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The cultural and economic importance of indigenous plants
- Journal Article
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Taxonomic revision of Saxicolella (Podostemaceae), African waterfall plants highly threatened by hydro-electric projects
Threatened habitats & Tropical Important Plant Areas (TIPAs) of Guinea, West Africa
(2019) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Inversodicraea koukoutamba and I. tassing (Podostemaceae), new waterfall species from Guinea, West Africa
- Journal Article
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- open access
Talbotiella cheekii (Leguminosae: Detarioideae), a new tree species from Guinea
- Journal Article
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A key to the species of Keetia (Rubiaceae: Vanguerieae) in West Africa, with three new, threatened species from Guinea and Ivory Coast
- Journal Article
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- open access
Kindia (Pavetteae, Rubiaceae), a new cliff-dwelling genus with chemically profiled colleter exudate from Mt Gangan, Republic of Guinea
Tarenna hutchinsonii (Rubiaceae) redelimited, and T. agnata described from W Africa