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Gert Huskens

ORCID logo 0000-0001-6879-2823
Bio (via ORCID)
Gert Huskens is currently enrolled as a doctoral candidate in the project 'Pyramids and progress. Belgian expansionism and the making of egyptology, 1830-1952'. His PhD focuses on ‘Belgian diplomatic representatives in Egypt before WW1 and the making of Egyptology’. Previously, he obtained an MA in History at KU Leuven following an MA thesis on Belgian imperialism and diplomacy in late Qing China in the era of the Boxer War. Additionally, he acquired an MSc in Comparative and International Politics at the same institution analysing civil society participation in contemporary debates on international development. Combining his expertises as historian and political scientist, Huskens primarily looks at histories of colonialism, expansionism, imperialism, decolonization and postcolonialism. Reaching out to a broader audience, he also contributes regularly to postcolonial debates in Belgian and Dutch media through editorials and accessible blogs.
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