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ORCID logo 0000-0001-5919-2834
Bio (via ORCID)
My doctoral dissertation establishes the weird as a cross-genre, transmedial literary mode and reading strategy deeply entangled in the environmental crisis. I am particularly interested in how contemporary weird narratives represent anxieties about human and nonhuman relationships, and lately my work—published in journals like Concentric, Configurations, and Collateral—has centered on monsters, agency, uncertainty, and radical hope in the Anthropocene. *** Mijn doctoraat, "Weriding the World, A Reading Strategy for the Anthropocene," focust op hedendaagse "weird" verhalen met ecologische thema’s. Ik ben geïnteresseerd in hoe mensen in en buiten de kunsten verschillende narratieve strategieën gebruiken om angsten omtrent de klimaatcrisis en de menselijke omgang met de natuur te bewerken en communiceren. Mijn onderzoek is gepubliceerd in academische tijdschriften zoals Concentric, Collateral en Configurations.