Kartik Lakshminarasimhan 1 – 3 of 3 publications Show 10 5 10 15 20 50 100 250 Sort by year (new to old) Actions Filter publications Download search results Subscribe to news feed Add to list PhD Thesis Low-complexity and power-efficient processor architectures Kartik Lakshminarasimhan (UGent) (2023) Add to list Journal Article A1 open access The forward slice core : a high-performance, yet low-complexity microarchitecture Kartik Lakshminarasimhan (UGent) , Ajeya Naithani (UGent) , Josue Feliu and Lieven Eeckhout (UGent) (2022) ACM TRANSACTIONS ON ARCHITECTURE AND CODE OPTIMIZATION. 19(2). Add to list Conference Paper P1 open access The forward slice core microarchitecture Kartik Lakshminarasimhan (UGent) , Ajeya Naithani (UGent) , JosuĂ© Feliu and Lieven Eeckhout (UGent) (2020) PACT'20 : Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques. In International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques p.361-372