dr. Elien Alderweireldt
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Effect on colorectal cancer bioenergetics by chronic exposure to red meat metabolites
Effect on colorectal cancer bioenergetics by chronic exposure to red meat metabolites
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Chronic exposure to dietary compounds shifts bioenergetics in colorectal cancer
Exposure of curcumin (analogues) to 2D and 3D intestinal in vitro models
The impact of red meat metabolites on the metabolic flexibility of colon cancer cells
(2023) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Effect of chronic exposure of dietary compounds on colorectal cancer bioenergetics
A two-front nutritional environment fuels colorectal cancer : perspectives for dietary intervention
Effect of (processed) meat related compounds on intestinal organoids
Antioxidant activity and quality attributes of white chocolate incorporated with Cinnamomum burmannii Blume essential oil
Effect of (processed) meat related compounds on colon cells