Samnang Nop No current affiliation with UGent 1 – 4 of 4 publications Show 10 5 10 15 20 50 100 250 Sort by year (new to old) Actions Filter publications Download search results Subscribe to news feed Add to list Journal Article A1 Mainstream partial nitritation/anammox with integrated fixed-film activated sludge : combined aeration and floc retention time control strategies limit nitrate production Dries Seuntjens (UGent) , Jose Maria Carvajal Arroyo (UGent) , Michiel Van Tendeloo, Ioanna Chatzigiannidou, Janet Molina Maturano, Samnang Nop (UGent) , Nico Boon (UGent) and Siegfried E. Vlaeminck (2020) BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY. 314. Add to list Book Chapter UGESCO - A hybrid platform for geo-temporal enrichment of digital photo collections based on computational and crowdsourced metadata generation Steven Verstockt (UGent) , Samnang Nop (UGent) , Florian Vandecasteele, Tim Baert (UGent) , Nico Van de Weghe (UGent) , Hans Paulussen, Ettore Rizza and Mathieu Roeges (2018) Digital heritage : progress in cultural heritage : documentation, preservation, and protection. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11196. p.113-124 Add to list Conference Paper P1 Solis : a smart interactive system for houseplants caring Arno Penders, Johanna Renny Octavia (UGent) , Michiel Caron, Fay de Haan, Thomas Devoogdt, Samnang Nop (UGent) , Anthony McAtear, Olivier Pieters (UGent) , Francis wyffels (UGent) , Steven Verstockt (UGent) , et al. (2018) 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ORANGE TECHNOLOGIES (ICOT). In International Conference on Orange Technologies Add to list Conference Paper C1 RUNAMIC : dynamic generation of personalized running routes Krishna Kumar Thirukokaranam Chandrasekar (UGent) , Redouane Arroubai, Gerwin Dox (UGent) , Samnang Nop (UGent) , Pieter Stroobant, Jeroen Stragier, Kristof De Mey (UGent) and Steven Verstockt (UGent) (2018) Proceedings of the 6th international congress on sport sciences research and technology support, volume 1 : icSPORTS. p.98-105