- 0000-0001-5135-3402
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Belgian foreign policy : in foro interno, inferno?
Introduction : foreign policy change
Foreign policy change in Europe since 1991
Jeroen Joly (UGent) and Tim Haesebrouck (UGent)(2021) -
Foreign policy change : from policy adjustments to fundamental reorientations
Party system change in Belgium : from stability to fragmentation?
Surveying individual political elites : a comparative three-country study
Beyond the water’s edge : how political parties influence foreign policy formulation in Belgium
Disentangling media effects : the impact of short-term and long-term news coverage on Belgian emergency assistance
Comprendre le contenu des programmes électoraux : comparaison des méthodes d’encodage manuel et automatique
Explaining entrepreneurial status and success from personality : an individual-level application of the entrepreneurial orientation framework