prof. Sebastien Chastin
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Does a real-life cognitively enriched walking program 'Take a walk with your brain' benefit cognitive functioning and physical activity in community-dwelling older adults? A randomized controlled trial
Physical activity and citizen science : two case studies from Flanders (Belgium)
Co-creation experiences among adults in diverse contexts: A Health CASCADE scoping review
Methods Used in Co-Creation Within the Health CASCADE Co-Creation Database and Gray Literature: Systematic Methods Overview
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Device-measured 24-hour movement behaviors and blood pressure : a 6-part compositional individual participant data analysis in the ProPASS Consortium
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Do personality profiles contribute to patterns of physical activity and sedentary behavior in adulthood? A prospective cohort study
Realigning the physical activity research agenda for population health, equity, and wellbeing
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Real-world accuracy of wearable activity trackers for detecting medical conditions : systematic review and meta-analysis
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Adult co-creators’ emotional and psychological experiences of the co-creation process : a Health CASCADE scoping review protocol
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Socioeconomic gradients in 24-hour movement patterns across weekends and weekdays in a working-age sample : evidence from the 1970 British Cohort Study