prof. Marieke Coussens
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Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and pilot testing of the young children’s participation and environment measure (YC-PEM) in the Dutch culture
Mothers perspectives on the participation of their child with developmental disabilities
Participation of young children with developmental disabilities : parental needs and strategies
Mothers perspectives on the participation of their child with developmental disabilities
Nothing about us without us : children's perspectives on their participation
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Parents perspectives on the facilitators and barriers of their child's participation
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Participation according to clinicians : a long way to go
Parent's perspective on participation of young children with ADHD, DCD or ASD : a systematic review
Psychometric evaluation of the Flemish version of the Young Children's Participation and Environment Measure (YC-PEM)
Qualitative Photo Elicitation Research Study to elicit the perception of young chlidren with developmental disabilities