dr. Lukas Buelens
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Detailing the redox ability of supported Pt-Sn and Pt-In catalysts for CO2-assisted PDH
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Impact of reduction degree on stability of Fe2O3-MgAl2O4 oxygen storage materials during chemical looping reverse water-gas shift reaction
Effect of Ni loading on the performance of Ni-Ca-Ce dual functional materials for integrated CO2 capture and utilization
Upscaling an Fe-based oxygen carrier from lab to pilot (Plenary Lecture)
(2024) -
Pilot-scale investigation and reactor modelling of super-dry reforming of methane
(2024) -
Development, installation, and operation of a chemical looping pilot plant for super-dry reforming of methane (plenary lecture)
Understanding of CO2 interaction with Pt-Sn catalysts in CO2-assisted propane dehydrogenation by TAP & MEXAS
In-situ XAS : XRS study of a multifunctional Ni-Fe-Ca-Mg-Al-O material for combined chemical looping
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Improving the performance of gliding arc plasma-catalytic dry reforming via a new post-plasma tubular catalyst bed
The potential of chemical looping solutions for direct methane conversion