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Body size and tree species composition determine variation in prey consumption in a forest-inhabiting generalist predator
Overstorey composition shapes acrossâtrophic level community relationships in deciduous forest regardless of fragmentation context
Forest edges, tree diversity and tree identity change leaf miner diversity in a temperate forest
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Disentangling tree diversity, tree identity and edge effects : arthropod diversity and functioning
(2019) -
Forest fragmentation and tree species composition jointly shape breeding performance of two avian insectivores
Avian top-down control affects invertebrate herbivory and sapling growth more strongly than overstorey species composition in temperate forest fragments
Forest fragmentation modulates effects of tree species richness and composition on ecosystem multifunctionality
Leaf herbivory is more impacted by forest composition than by tree diversity or edge effects
Tree species identity outweighs the effects of tree species diversity and forest fragmentation on understorey diversity and composition