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Ancestral monuments, iconoclasm, and memorial culture in the sixteenth-century Low Countries
- Book
- open access
The matter of piety : Zoutleeuw's church of Saint Leonard and religious material culture in the Low Countries (c. 1450-1620)
The swan song of Philip of Cleves (1456-1528) : innovative tomb sculpture and ducal imagery in the Ravenstein mausoleum
Frans Floris’ altaarstukken in Zoutleeuw
1566 : kans op Beeldenstorm
Theodoor van Loon : aanbidding der herders
Theodoor van Loon, naar Marco Pino, Piëta met Johannes de Evangelist en Maria Magdalena
Theatro miraculorum : Theodoor van Loon en de religieuze cultuur in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The Seven Sorrows Confraternity of Brussels : drama, ceremony, and art patronage (16th-17th centuries)
- PhD Thesis
- open access
The matter of piety : material culture in Zoutleeuw's church of Saint Leonard (c. 1450-1620)