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Samen op weg naar minder: een kwaliteitsverbeteringsproject over het gebruik van psychofarmaca in een woonzorgcentrum in Vlaanderen
A quality improvement initiative on the use of psychotropic drugs in nursing homes in Flanders
Anticholinergic exposure in a cohort of adults aged 80 years and over : associations of the MARANTE scale with mortality and hospitalisation
Too many, too few, or too unsafe? : impact of inappropriate prescribing on mortality, and hospitalization in a cohort of community-dwelling oldest old
Polypharmacy in a Belgian cohort of community-dwelling oldest old (80+)
Quality of pharmacotherapy in old age : focus on lists of Potentially Inappropriate Medications (PIMs) : consensus statements from the European Science Foundation exploratory workshop
Development and validation of the Psychotropic Education and Knowledge (PEAK) test on psychotropic drugs for nurses in an acute geriatric care setting
Mortality, hospitalisation, institutionalisation in community-dwelling oldest old : the impact of medication
Availability and actual use in the Belgian market of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) from the EU(7)-PIM list
The psychotropic education and knowledge test for nurses in nursing homes: striving for PEAK performance