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Childhood abuse and adult sociocognitive skills : distinguishing between self and other following early trauma
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The effect of being imitated on empathy for pain in adults with high-functioning autism : disturbed self-other distinction leads to altered empathic responding
Mirroring multiple agents: motor resonance during action observation is modulated by the number of agents
Motor simulation beyond the Dyad: automatic imitation of multiple actors
- PhD Thesis
- open access
The influence of mimicry on empathy for pain
(2014) -
The influence of Oxytocin on automatic motor simulation
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Effects of being imitated on motor responses evoked by pain observation: exerting control determines action tendencies when perceiving pain in others
I suffer more from your pain when you act like me: being imitated enhances affective responses to seeing someone else in pain