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Near-infrared microscopy reveals diabetic nephropathy in ob/ob mice
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Motor unit fatigability following chronic carnosine supplementation in aged rats
Carnosine, oxidative and carbonyl stress, antioxidants, and muscle fiber characteristics of quadriceps muscle of patients with COPD
Acute preexercise supplementation of combined carnosine and anserine enhances initial maximal power of Wingate tests in humans
Oral anserine supplementation does not attenuate type-2 diabetes or diabetic nephropathy in BTBR ob/ob mice
- Journal Article
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Ergogenic effect of pre-exercise chicken broth ingestion on a high-intensity cycling time-trial
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Histamine H1 and H2 receptors are essential transducers of the integrative exercise training response in humans
The role of alanine glyoxylate transaminase-2 (agxt2) in β-alanine and carnosine metabolism of healthy mice and humans
- Journal Article
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- open access
Carnosinase-1 overexpression, but not aerobic exercise training, affects the development of diabetic nephropathy in BTBR ob/ob mice
- Journal Article
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- open access
Beta-alanine supplementation in patients with COPD receiving non-linear periodised exercise training or neuromuscular electrical stimulation : protocol of two randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials