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Timing of surgery and preoperative predictors of surgical site infections for patients with depressed skull fractures in a sub-saharan tertiary hospital : a prospective cohort study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Metagenomic sequencing of the skin microbiota of the scalp predicting the risk of surgical site infections following surgery of traumatic brain injury in sub-Saharan Africa
Epidemiology and survival of adult-type diffuse glioma in Belgium during the molecular era
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Pre- to postoperative longitudinal follow-up of phoneme perception in glioma patients : evidence from the Mismatch Negativity and P300
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Dynamic network approach to the language assessment in glioma patients : on event-related potentials and spontaneous speech monitoring
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Dynamische netwerkaanpak voor taalevaluatie bij patiënten met een hersenglioom : over event-gerelateerde potentialen en spontane taal
The supplementary motor area syndrome : a neurosurgical review
Sex-based survival differences in IDH-wildtype glioblastoma : results from a retrospective cohort study
Survival impact of incidental subventricular zone irradiation in IDH-wildtype glioblastoma
Partial resection offers an overall survival benefit over biopsy in MGMT-unmethylated IDH-wildtype glioblastoma patients