prof. dr. Els Lefever
- 0000-0002-7755-0591
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Linguistic annotation of Byzantine book epigrams
- Conference Paper
- open access
Exploring Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Methodologies for Literary-Historical Research Purposes
- Conference Paper
- open access
Findings of the WASSA 2024 EXALT shared task on Explainability for Cross-Lingual Emotion in Tweets
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Decoding Byzantine book epigrams : an exploration of machine-assisted extraction of formulaic material
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
How relevant is part-of-speech information to compute similarity between Greek verses in a graph database?
- Book Editor
- open access
Proceedings of the first workshop on Data-driven Approaches to Ancient Languages (DAAL 2024)
Colin Swaelens (UGent) , Maxime Deforche (UGent) , Ilse De Vos and Els Lefever (UGent)(2024) -
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