dr. Sanne Stegen
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Effects of histidine and β-alanine supplementation on human muscle carnosine storage
Carnosine and anserine homeostasis in skeletal muscle and heart is controlled by β-alanine transamination
Inhibiting beta-alanine transamination : a way to promote muscle histidine-containing dipeptide loading in mice?
Plasma carnosine, but not muscle carnosine, attenuates high-fat diet-induced metabolic stress
Aerobic and resistance training do not influence plasma carnosinase content or activity in type 2 diabetes
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Muscle histidine-containing dipeptides are elevated by glucose intolerance in both rodents and men
- PhD Thesis
- open access
The carnosine-carnosinase system in relation to diabetes
(2014) -
The beta-alanine dose for maintaining moderately elevated muscle carnosine levels
Muscle carnosine loading by beta-alanine supplementation is more pronounced in trained vs. untrained muscles
Meal and beta-alanine co-ingestion enhances muscle carnosine loading