prof. Joni Van der Meulen
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A challenging case of an intraosseous composite hemangioendothelioma of the occipital bone with YAP1::FOXR1 fusion
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- open access
Identification of potentially actionable genetic variants in epithelial ovarian cancer : a retrospective cohort study
A case of a lipoblastoma with EEF1A1::PLAG1 fusion and metaplastic ossification
- Journal Article
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Revealing RB1 loss in an emerging entity : report of two cases of PRRX1-rearranged mesenchymal tumours
- Journal Article
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RAF1-rearranged spindle cell mesenchymal tumor with calcification and heterotopic ossification : a case report and review of literature
- Journal Article
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Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded–targeted locus capture : a next-generation sequencing technology for accurate DNA-based gene fusion detection in bone and soft tissue tumors
HRAS-related epidermal nevus syndromes : expansion of the spectrum with first branchial arch defects
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High-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma-like sarcoma in male : does it exist? A case report and review of the literature
mRNA Capture Sequencing and RT-qPCR for the Detection of Pathognomonic, Novel, and Secondary Fusion Transcripts in FFPE Tissue: A Sarcoma Showcase
(2022) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
PRECISION : the Belgian molecular profiling program of metastatic cancer for clinical decision and treatment assignment