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Bioanode performance in bioelectrochemical systems: recent improvements and prospects
Enhanced removal of 1,2-dichloroethane by anodophilic microbial consortia
Microbiological improvements of the bioanode performance in bioelectrochemical systems
(2009) -
Use of Pseudomonas species producing phenazine-based metabolites in the anodes of microbial fuel cells to improve electricity generation
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
High shear enrichment improves the performance of the anodophilic microbial consortium in a microbial fuel cell
Minimizing losses in bio-electrochemical systems: the road to applications
Metabolites produced by Pseudomonas sp. enable a Gram-positive bacterium to achieve extracellular electron transfer
Biological denitrification in microbial fuel cells
Microbial fuel cells for sulfide removal
Microbial fuel cells in relation to conventional anaerobic digestion technology