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Methods to adjust for the interference of N2O on delta C-13 and delta O-18 measurements of CO2 from soil mineralization
Comparison and pitfalls of different discretised solution methods for population balance models: a simulation study
Short-term CO2 and N2O emission after application of manure and maize residues to three different soil types : a laboratory study
Comparison of discretisation techniques to solve PBMs including aggregation and/or breakage: A simulation study
Simulation of SOC sequestration in Flemish cropland soils using the DNDC model: a large scale model validation and simulation of alternative management options
Inventory-based carbon stock of Flemish forests: comparison of European biomass expansion factors
N2O emission estimates from agricultural soils in Flanders using the BE-DNDC model
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Start-up of autotrophic nitrogen removal reactors via sequential biocatalyst addition
Towards an integral approach of the greenhouse gas budget of the Belgian agriculture
Carbon stock changes and carbon sequestration potential of Flemish cropland soils