- 0000-0002-6306-3514
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Electronic feedback on second language writing : a retrospective and prospective essay on multimodality
Spoilt for choice : a plethora of modes for electronic feedback on second language writing
- Book Chapter
- open access
The potential of automated corrective feedback to remediate cohesion problems in advanced students’ writing
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Affordances of online technologies for academic writing instruction in a foreign language : an exploration in individual and collaborative settings
(2015) -
Attitudes towards online feedback on writing: why students mistrust the learning potential of models
Learning to think and write together: collaborative synthesis writing supported by a script and a video-based model
'Drie hoofden onder één hoodie': de meerwaarde van online groepswerk om syntheses te leren schrijven
Affordances of web 2.0 technologies for collaborative advanced writing in a foreign language
Individual and collaborative L2 writing using online technologies: the effect of pre-programmed teacher feedback and direct peer feedback on process and product
(2012) -
Students' online learning attitudes: the perceived benefit of instructivist and constructivist tasks in an individualized online learning module on L2 summary writing