prof. dr. Bram Van Oostveldt
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- Book
- open access
The sublime in the visual culture of the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic
(2023) -
- Book Chapter
- open access
Animating the Amsterdam Town Hall
Dressing up the past : style formation and style effcet in neoclassical fashion
Introduction : the power of wondrous architecture
- Book Editor
- open access
The Amsterdam town hall in words and images : constructing wonders
Stijn Bussels, Caroline Van Eck and Bram Van Oostveldt (UGent)(2021) -
Building magnificence in the Dutch Golden Age : the Amsterdam Town Hall
- Book Chapter
- open access
Egypt and/as style
(2020) Beyond Egyptomania : objects, style and agency. In Studien aus dem Warburg-Haus 21. p.219-224 -
La comportement rétabli' et la performance de la Pucelle de la ville dans les joyeuses entrées à Anvers