prof. dr. ir. Joris Thybaut
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Upscaling of a Debenzylation Reaction in Pharmaceutical Synthesis: The Mass Transfer Paradox
(2024) -
First-principles-based simulation of the product yields obtained in an industrial vacuum gas oil hydroconversion unit
Upscaling of a debenzylation reaction in pharmaceutical synthesis: the mass transfer paradox
(2024) -
Electrothermal Fluidized Bed Reactor Model: The case of COS decomposition
(2024) -
Validity of the generalized film-model criteria for instantaneous gas-liquid reactions in Higbie’s penetration model
(2024) -
Penetration-model-based criteria for the identification of the instantaneous regime for irreversible gas-liquid reactions
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Synthesis of hybrid materials containing H-ZSM-5 and CeO2 for green butadiene production
Microkinetic analysis of acid gas conversion to COS by zeolite 13X
(2024) -
The effect of mesopores in platelike H-ZSM-5 zeolites in the 1-butanol dehydration reaction
(2024) -
Sustainable hydrogen production through thermocatalytic decomposition of methane over novel ordered mesoporous carbons and carbon blacks