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Electrical behavior of decoupling capacitors embedded in multilayered PCBs.
Comparison of test methods for the characterization of shielding of board-to-backplane and board-to-cable connectors.
Electrical characterisation of capacitors integrated in multi-layer printed circuit boards 3rd Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects, Session 5: Measurement Techniques, 19-21 May 1999, Titisee-Neustadt, Germany,.
(1999) -
Electrical performance of buried capacitors in multi-layered PCBs.
Mixed component integration in advanced printed wiring boards
Shielding of backplane interconnection technology systems (EU SOBITS project)
Shielding of backplane interconnection technology systems (EU SOBITS project)
Electrical performance of capacitors integrated in multi-layered printed circuit boards Interconnects in VLSI Design (Kluwer Academic Publishers), ISBN 0-7923-7997-7, October 2000, pp. 133-146.
Mixed component integration in MCM-L technologyCARTS Europe '99: 13th European Passive Components Symposium, 18-22 October 1999, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 113-118.