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Induction of the respiratory burst in turtle peritoneal macrophages by Salmonella muenchen.
Luminol enhanced chemiluminescence in turtle macrophages, stimulated with Salmonella Muenchen.
Interaction between turkey monocytes and avian Chlamydia psittaci in the presence of Mycoplasma sp.: the importance of nitric oxide.
Oxidative activity of turkey monocytes, following the inoculation with Chlamydia psittaci.
Oxygen radicals and nitric oxide production by turkey respiratory macrophages.
Mucosal and systemic humoral immune response of turkeys after infection and reinfection with a Chlamydia psittaci serovar D strain.
Respiratory burst in turkey monocytes, measured by lucigenin- and luminol- enhanced chemiluminesence
Interactions between avian Chlampydia psittaci strains and activated monocyte derived macrophages from turkeys
Evaluation of five immunoassays for detection of Chlamydia psittaci in cloacal and conjunctival specimens from turkeys
Host response of turkeys to infection with Chlamydia psittaci. Possible consequences for further vaccine development. Proc. 1st International Symposium on Turkey diseases, Berlin, 1998, 195-201.