prof. dr. Hilde Van Keer
- 0000-0002-9819-4864
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Empowering Teachers’ Competence: Implementing Lesson Study to Enhance Reading Instruction and Promotion in Prevocational Education
(2025) -
Magic in the Making: The Impact of Professional Development on Flemish Prevocational Teachers
(2025) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The impact of a tier 1 intervention on fifth and sixth graders’ reading comprehension, reading strategy use, and reading motivation
Taal in de kleuterklas: Praktijktips vanuit het onderzoek voor kwalitatief en inspirerend kleuteronderwijs
(2024) -
Voorlezen in (inter)actie : impact van het tweejarige hybride professionaliseringstraject #iedereenvoorlezen
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Vaardigheden voor de uitdagingen van morgen. Vlaamse resultaten van PIAAC 2023.
(2024) -
Read with Me, I will Learn Words: Effects of an Interactive Book Reading Intervention on First Graders' Expressive Target Vocabulary
Professionalisering in leesonderwijs: één uitdaging, twee studies
(2024) -
Mapping the Academic Journey: Cognitive and Motivational Aspects of Reading and Writing
(2024) -
From Source Texts to Written Arguments: Unmasking Writing Processes via Process Mining Analysis