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- PhD Thesis
- open access
Development of a low temperature MOCVD process for GalnNAs materials
(2003) -
A safer, efficient MOCVD process for GaAs solar cell growth.
Development of a low temperature growth regime for GaInNAs
Substrate-removed 850-nm RCLEDs and small core (63/125 µm) plastic optical fibers for optical data communication
GaInNAS: a novel material for long-wavelength applications
Realisation of highly efficient 850nm top emitting resonant cavity light emitting diodes.
Optical data communication using substrate removed 850 nm RCLEDS and small core (63/125 µm) plastic optical fibres
High quality AlGaInP layers on GaAs and Ge grown by MOVPE.
Germanium as a growth substrate for high quality AlGaAs/InGaAs laser diodes.
InP-based modulator array antennas at 1.06 mm