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Afrodita Alexieva, Knizhovno nasledstvo na balgari na gratski ezik prez XIX vek. II [The Literary Legacy of Bulgarians in Greek during the XIXth Century]. Sofia: Gutenberg, 2023.
Iordan Liutskanov, Eyüp ourichvili, Alexis Nuselovici (Nouss) (eds.), La mer Noire comme espace littéraire et culturel (II). Sofia, Coopération Universitaire Romanistika & Transpontica, 2022,
- Miscellaneous
- open access
A review of : Svetla Glushkova. Belgium on the road to independence 1815–1839. Veliko Tarnovo: St. Cyril and St. Methodius University Press, 2021
- Journal Article
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- open access
'On the decadence to come' : Bulgarian literature as presented in the Slavyansky Mir Journal
Yura Konstantinova, Balgariya i Gartsiya v labirint ot monolozi. Sofia: Sofia, In- stitute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2022
'Грех ради наших' : Религиозното възприемане на природните бедствия на Балканите през османския период ='Because of our sins' : religious understanding of natural disasters in the Balkans in the Ottoman period
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The pre-national Balkans : a view without hindsight bias : three variations on the theme of religion and ethnicity
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Положително за Балканите : начини на употреба = Polozhitelno za Balkanite : nachini na upotreba = Positively about the Balkans : manners of use
Europe and the Balkans : between modernisation and tradition