- 0000-0002-0143-7138
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De vele werken van de duivel in de volle middeleeuwen
'Caculatores ac susurratores' : rumeurs, ragots et ouï-dire dans l’hagiographie des abbayes Saint-Pierre et Saint-Bavon à Gand, Xe-XIe siècles
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Prius Invisa Animalia : attitudes towards animals in Late Medieval travel accounts
The book and the city : the Liber Floridus as a circular enclosure of creation, history and incarnation
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Medieval authorship and canonicity in the digital age : an introduction
- Issue Editor
- open access
Medieval authorship and canonicity in the digital age
Jeroen De Gussem (UGent) and Jeroen Deploige (UGent) -
Knighthood and society in the high Middle Ages
David Crouch and Jeroen Deploige (UGent) -
Taking the field : knighthood and society in the high Middle Ages
1100 : la gilde marchande de Saint- Omer : ou comment des ivrognes du nord de la France firent la renommée de la Flandre
Book Review : Tyler, Elizabeth M., England in Europe. English Royal Women and Literary Patronage, c. 1000- c. 1150. University of Toronto Press, Toronto - Buffalo - London 2017