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- open access
The health and demographic impacts of the 'Russian flu' pandemic in Switzerland in 1889/1890 and in the years thereafter
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Navigeren door de complexiteit van de coronapandemie : perspectieven vanuit de historische demografie
Doodsoorzaken in Amsterdam en Antwerpen : hoe burgerwetenschap de stadsgeschiedenis voortstuwt
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The limits and possibilities of cause of death categorisation for understanding late nineteenth century mortality
Beyond narratives of conflict : modern medicine, reproduction and Catholicism in contemporary historiography
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The Spanish Flu in Belgium, 1918-1919 : a state of the art = Die Spanische Grippe in Belgien 1918-1919 : ein Stand der Technik
Virussen kennen geen grenzen, vaccins jammer genoeg wel
(2021) -
Viruses know no borders, unfortunately vaccines do
(2021) -
Belgium : the nineteenth-century anti-vaxxer?
(2021) -
België : de negentiende-eeuwse antivaxer?