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Third phase structure of heat treatment monofilaments and bending behaviour
Influence of heat treatment on the behaviour of LLDPE monofilaments
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Morphologies and thermal variability of patterned polymer films with poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride)
Bending behaviour of LLDPE monofilaments depending on cold drawing and composition of the LLDPEs
Nieuws uit de Vakgroep Textielkunde: EU COST-Actie FP1003
Nieuws uit de vakgroep textielkunde: semi-industriële extrusie- en co-extrusielijn voor de productie van monofilamenten
Insights in the molecular structure of low- and high-molecular weight poly(styrene-maleic anhydride) from vibrational and resonance spectroscopy
Quality of Brazilian vegetable oils evaluated by (modulated) differential scanning calorimetry
Incorporating different vegetable oils into an aqueous dispersion of hybrid organic nanoparticles
Quality and statistical classification of Brazilian vegetable oils using mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopy