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Comparison of Acute Inflammatory and Chronic Structural Asthma-Like Responses between C57BL/6 and BALB/c Mice
The effects of heparin administration in an animal model of chronic peritoneal dialysate exposure
Effect of age on allergen-induced structural airway changes in brown Norway rats
Repeated allergen exposure changes collagen composition in airways of sensitised Brown Norway rats.
Effect of combining salmeterol and fluticasone on the progression of airway remodeling.
Fluticasone inhibits the progression of allergen-induced structural airway changes.
Dose-related effect of inhaled fluticasone on allergen-induced airway changes in rats.
Is there an animal model of airway remodelling ?
Fluticasone inhibits but does not reverse allergen-induced structural airway changes.
Prolonged allergen exposure induces structural airway changes in sensitized rats