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Genetic and reproductive differentiation of Artemia franciscana in a new environment
Artemia: Basic and Applied Biology.
(2002) -
Genetic characterization of Artemia tibetiana (Crustacea: Anostraca).
Reproduction in the brine shrimp Artemia : evolutionary relevance of laboratory cross-fertility tests
International study on Artemia. LXII. Genomic relationships between Artemia franciscana and A-persimilis, inferred from chromocentre numbers.
International study on Artemia. LX. Allozyme data suggest that a new Artemia population in southern Chile (50 degrees 29 ' S; 73 degrees 45 ' W) is A-persimilis.
Cyst membrane protein composition as a discriminant character in the genus Artemia (international study on Artemia LV).
International Study on Artemia .57. Morphological and molecular characters suggest conspecificity of all bisexual European and North African Artemia populations.
Editorial note: Correct taxonomie identification of Artemia species
International study on Artemia. LII. Incubation of Artemia cyst samples at high temperature reveals mixed nature with Artemia franciscana cysts