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- Journal Article
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Use of a right ventricular continuous flow pump to validate the distensible model of the pulmonary vasculature
Proximal pressure reducing effect of wave reflection in the pulmonary circulation disappear in obstructive disease: insight from a rabbit model
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Measuring pulmonary arterial compliance: mission impossible? : insights from a novel in vivo continuous-flow based experimental model
Low target-INR anticoagulation is safe in selected aortic valve patients with the Medtronic Open Pivot mechanical prosthesis : long-term results of a propensity-matched comparison with standard anticoagulation
Ten-year results of aortic valve replacement with first-generation Mitroflow bioprosthesis : is early degeneration a structural or a technical issue?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The linear relationship between systolic pulmonary artery pressure and mean pulmonary artery pressure is maintained regardless of autonomic or rhythm disturbances
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Low intensive anticoagulation ought to be regarded as a trusted concept for treatment of selected Medtronic open pivot mechanical aortic valve patients
Impact of detergent-based decellularization methods on porcine tissues for heart valve engineering
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
How to cope with a temporarily aborted transplant program : solutions for a prolonged waiting period
Construction of a contractile patch for cardiac tissue engineering