prof. Frank D'oosterlinck
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Onderzoeksproject Intensieve Traumabehandeling en ContextOpname (INTENCO) : onderzoek en doorlichting van de INTENCO-pilootprojecten inzake jeugdhulp
(2022) -
Samen schooluitval voorkomen: voor leraren en hulpverleners
(2015) -
The voice of troubled youth: children's and adolescents' ideas on helpful elements of care
Implementation and effect of life space crisis intervention in special schools with residential treatment for students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD)
Characteristics and profile of boys and girls with emotional and behavioural disorders in Flanders mental health institutes: a quantitative study
The search for an integrated paradigm of care models for people with handicaps, disabilities and behavioural disorders at the Department of Orthopedagogy of Ghent University
Integrating school-based and therapeutic conflict management models at schools